Sunday, June 25, 2006

stephanie and me., promoting Youthalive album =p
all so zi lian, wanna take photo with me = ]
snatching to be in front!
my cool-awesome-cute-pretty-short disciple ! ;D
stef.dylan.daz acting very cool.
4girls.1 guy.
with one of the youthalive member. he's so cool can! and we toOk photos with people we dontknow!
these girls are cute..wanna take picsa with us.hahaa
wooohooo =] some of the Godchasers!
yeah.! =D
steff.while queueing up for the concert. =p
audris.jerlyn.yinsi.daz =p
shaoomingg and me . i so cute right! =p durin the conference!

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