Sunday, February 15, 2009

harpy harpy \/ day!

I had an early V day celebration with gossiper-number-one R'. Casual simple dining at MS followed by a big wild surprise from her.
YES I was blindfolded by her all the way to Jazz bar!

The pirate blindfold!

And I tripped/knocked onto something/someone for several times yet she didn't tell me!
The big red gift from her.

Went Eski bar and bumped into Ru and her noisy friends. Headed to drink with Ys,Pat and Jest! As usual drink,sing and play.
Congrats YS! (:

So just yesterday we were celebrating Valerie's 18th at Iguana.
New friends I met.

The girly girlssss.

Random events

Catch up with Azu the other day at Spins!
While we were crossing the road, I picked up the cone!
Chinese New Year @ Drey's place with FAD. (No S)
Chinese New Year @ Ms Chong's place with Hock,Dejin the armyboy and FAD.
Mahjong and drink session with Feesh, Drey's Bro and the bloo pro guy.
Mini BBQ gathering @ SK's place.

Let's break the cornzzzz!
Under the moonlight sonata.
4 Girls.
Stuff the most marshmallow competition! Look at how unglam R was!
Cafe Del Mar Night Fun & Joy.
Drink till you drop.
St Pat's Boys.
Camp mates!
Away for camp till friday! [:

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