Saturday, November 18, 2006

yesterday mornin went bedoknorth by myself and i woke up at 6am!
supposed to meet yinjie at interchange at 745am but i reached at 730am.
so i went bn myself.
had combine till 12pm.
lunch with yinjie,hazel,xiang2.
saw xing, shermaine and bettina!!!!
i really do miss them a lot a lot!! xD
'cos they had poa and hist papers.
they didnt know that im gg KL,if not they would have go laarrh!!
then 3 of us went town-ing.

takin around.
i went for job interview at Topman.
if it wasn't for the KL trip, i would be able to start work the very next day!sacrifice time for BAND PRACTISES!
2 weeks more. its so unbelievable.
and i havent seen some of the scores yet. z.z.z
dont know the items to bring and reporting time too!!

i slept at 1130pm super early!
i woke up at 630am today.

exhausted but still i went bedoknorth with charles and rebecca.
had combine awhile then sectionals.
yeah.benny came.and i learnt something new!
at least im able to hit the notes well. i'm happy!
my tone and intonation is so sucky now.
ashair malimbumb!
i cant even reach a good top B or C.zzz.

i just realised, zhenjun is going KL too!
yeah means 4 of us!
then we went lunch.cant believe it.
we took the opp side bus 15 to tampiness interchange and it took us 45mins!meet jiageng,jielong,xiaorong and took cab to church.
i feel so super tired now.
but still im able to blog. so ridiculous.

anyway im going my form tr - ms jane ong's wedding.
and she asked us if we could help her do her wedding montage.
i felt so honoured wahhaha. xP

yeayea.last more paper to go.
and i want to take many many photos and go vivocity on MONDAY :)

this week band schedule:
(20th)MON - 12pm-6pm (s/c)
(22th)WED - 8am-12pm (c)
(24th)FRI - 8am-12pm (c)
(25th)SAT - 8am-12pm (c)

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