Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I bought that few weeks back, the mixed berry is really super yummy! (if you're a yoghurt lover) Ntuc is selling at 2 for $1.55, so cheap, so worth it. woooo.

So I was in town today noon to meet justin and her friends, von and don. (rhymes uh?!)
Guess we had fun, chatting together. Thanks for all the funs and laughters. (: before heading off with justin. Then I met Charles, was hungry so I had dinner while he watched. And then happened to met my cousin valerie. Went home with Jessica then.

Think I'm getting lazy. Kept saying I want to go jogging yet I have not started on it, and didn't practise today at all. Tomorrow, tomorrow, will never come. :/ Damn. Shall not put into a habit of this. Better act it out tomorrow.

This week gonna be hectic.

Thursday 6-11pm Combine practise @ Regent
Friday 830am-5pm Band rehearsal @ FTP
Saturday whole day POP + Band Practise
Sunday 10am Practise with SYWS

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