rented bikes to cycle.
met eric n feng at te jetty fishing since mornin 9am -.-
dey caught so many little fishes but suffocated them to death in a miserable plasticbag.
it was so fun fishin.
we left there bout 5 plus.
took 3 cabs to Marina South for steamboat.
we got a discount and ate so much. lol!
we kept on cookin and kept on passin the food around.
feng was so nice to peel e prawn shells for us ;p
ate till 9pm.
and then we played arcade games and pool .
till bout 10 plus. took 400 bus to mrt station.
got early presents fr darren/haozhi/ahmeng and hock.
darren and haozhi bot 1 big pkt of Toberlone and Ferero for me ;)
ahmeng and hock got a portrait of a little crab for me ;p
darren sent me back.
returned at 11pm .
yesterday had band prac as usual.
trumpet section improved!! ;p
i'm so happy.
we played Highlights fr chess.
maybe that rifle range was much better than music room??
after band, had Exco meeting at Limbang mac.
yuting and i took a cab there cos we were lazy to walk.
in e end, we arrived earlier than becky and siying ;p
ate dinner and discussed.
quite smooth though there were jokes.
ended at 9pm.
took 302 bus with becky.
at night was chiong-ing for my Physics.
today had band prac.
had physics test.was quite alright.
i might fail. ._.
band prac arh, with Ms Low instead of Mr Lim.
went through Blue Ridge Saga ,Highlights ,A Song for you and wonderful world.
ms low is damn cute.
she keep on makin us laugh.
she changed e wonderful world lyrics to some pathetic song -.-
she's so damn . -.- you know.
and she's so patient that she could do ONLY helmi's part alone for like 10mins??
and e rest was so BORED to sleep alr.
had band housekeeping day.
quite smooth with my departments too..
had dinner at yewtee with becky and e rest.
omg, i keep on thinkin that tmr i had SS test, in fact is on thurs.
tmr theres pe.
ilove BASEBALL ;p
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